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ERP - Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence




Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence


Integrated Solutions for Retail

Know the Solutions for this Market

The current requirements of the food distribution market impose a constant challenge on companies in the sector.

The need for correct and real-time business information, online and on-time management of stock, financial, sales and purchasing processes, management of several warehouses present in different locations, among many others, are critical factors who dictate the success of companies.

What is Said About Us

Here are some testimonies from our customers, partners and other friends, who honor us very much.

“Infos has become an indispensable partner for our operation. With the technological support implemented it was...
Manuel Alves
Manuel Alves Group Manager.

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“Infos has become an indispensable partner for our operation. With the technological support implemented it was possible to obtain a greater control of the information flow, which has allowed us to focus exclusively on our business. The reliability and security of ERP Multi/Maxiretail has simplified the technology at our disposal We count on Infos Excellence and professionalism to keep supporting our growth."

Manuel Alves
Manuel Alves Group Manager.
Manuel Alves Grupo Manuel Alves Testemunho Software INFOS

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Conceito e execução do OMNICANAL
Mas devem sobretudo adaptar a sua estratégia comercial e logística a esta (...)

Related Webinars

Learn more about our solutions through experts and invited customers

Get Personal - Analíticos: Webinario INFOS QLIK
Get Personal - Analíticos: Webinario INFOS QLIK

O Retalho Omni-channel é a norma. Os Consumidores esperam uma experiência perfeita e transparente, online e offline. Para tornar isso uma realidade, as marcas devem fornecer interações consistentes através dos diferentes canais de venda, incluindo o social e a mobilidade .

Inscreva-se no webinário que preparámos para si

Repensar o Retalho com KICKS e BIZDIRECT
Repensar o Retalho com KICKS e BIZDIRECT

Tirar benefícios da tecnologia para atingir o customer engagement e tornar a experiência da sua marca convidativa, autêntica, distinta e pessoal,

dentro e fora da organização.

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