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ERP - Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence




Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence


Information security / Cyber Security

Information is one of the most precious assets of companies, and its security is often neglected.

In order to respond to this increasingly present need in our reality, INFOS designed a set of services and solutions.

You can count on the best Business Consultants, to share ideas and experiences and, above all, to be sure of commitment and rigor in responding to your challenges.

Segurança da Informação / CiberSegurança


The INFOS team of consultants carry out a set of services, analyzing the risk and drawing up a plan of measures so that the information is increasingly secure.

Segurança da Informação / CiberSegurança

Security solutions

INFOS has all its technical team certified, which helps companies to implement the best solutions on the market.

In addition to its team, it also has several business partners that add value in the implementation of these solutions.


• Perimeter Protection

• Mallware Protection

• Ransomware Protection

• Data encryption solution

Segurança da Informação / CiberSegurança

Backup Solutions

Having backups of information is the greatest comfort that any Administrator can have. But, many times, the company does not have any backup policy, nor routines to check their consistency.


• Backup

• Backups replication

• INFOSCloud Backup

Segurança da Informação / CiberSegurança


INFOS designed a set of responses that will allow your organization to comply with the GDPR.

Through different phases, covering people, processes and technology, we are able to complete the entire compliance process and define the mechanisms for assessing and adapting to the GDPR, data and information security.

How we approach these three broad areas:

• People

• Legal support

• Training and recognition

• Skills

• Legislation / Labor contracts.

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* desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile