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ERP - Integrated Management

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Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence


Distribuição Software INFOS
Integrated Solutions for the Distribution Industry

Know the Solutions for this Market

The current requirements in the food distribution market represent a recurring challenge for the companies in this industry. The need for accurate business information in real time; online and on-time stocks, financial, sales and purchase management processes; the management of several warehouses, among others, are critical factors for the success of companies.

What is Said About Us

Here are some testimonies from our customers, partners and other friends, who honor us very much.

“The partnership SANER/INFOS has enabled the development in the implementation of IT solutions with undeniable...
Pedro Ferreira
Chief Financial Officer of SANER

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“The partnership SANER/INFOS has enabled the development in the implementation of IT solutions with undeniable benefits for the management of the efficiency in business processes, thus giving SANER a greater responsiveness to the daily needs and to the new challenges that arise. We count on INFOS professionalism and devotion in order to proceed the sustainable long-term growth strategy.”

Pedro Ferreira
Chief Financial Officer of SANER
Pedro Ferreira Saner Testemunho Software INFOS
“With the new applications implemented by INFOS, we were finally able to reach a high level in the information...
Nuno Ferreira
Administrative Head of Anitex Larbrinca

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“With the new applications implemented by INFOS, we were finally able to reach a high level in the information and management data speed, which provides us efficiency and assurance when processing them. We are truly satisfied, that is why we recommend these applications.”

Nuno Ferreira
Administrative Head of Anitex Larbrinca
Nuno Ferreira Anitex Testemunho Software INFOS
"The IT issue was essential for customers to be able to have a better service and for us to be more efficient....
Rui Pires
Diretor Executivo

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"The IT issue was essential for customers to be able to have a better service and for us to be more efficient. At the moment we have 6 software programs running simultaneously. One thing we noticed in INFOS software is that they are very reliable and very safe"

Rui Pires
Diretor Executivo

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