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ERP - Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence




Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence


03.01 Maxiretail Software INFOS Retalho Lojas

Adapted to the requirements of your business, MAXIRETAIL is an integrated BackStore and POS management system fully developed by INFOS with technological support from Microsoft.

Designed to respond to the daily management requirements of companies with own stores, chain stores, franchised stores with specific features for the Food or Specialized Retail




• Commodity conferences - document or file conversion (PDA)

• Transfers - directly or file reading (PDA)

• Label printing - file | entry guide | stock | promotion

• Headquarters orders (orders)

• Operational Maps - accumulated cash | sales diary | sales declaration | stocks | arrangements by supplier

• SAFT Issuance

• Dynamic queries

• Dashboard

• Promotions or campaigns for inclusion or exclusion of: stores | articles | groups of articles | family | hierarchy | label | customer | customer group | customer card group | price lists | currency

• Promotion recurrence: date | hour | day of the week

• Promotion application methods based on: value | quantity | product

• Offer: product (same or in a family) | percentage | value | Valley


• Opening and closing day

• Cash management

• Daily summary

• Sales

• Returns management

• Signals

• Inventory view

• Flash report

• Employee productivity

• Communication with TA

• Sales suggestion

• Control of vouchers

• Loans

• Registration of complaints


• Customer groups

• Card groups

• Points management

• Voucher management

• 360˚ view

• Communication actions

• Integration with external systems

• Commercial Operations

• Events

Customer service

• Article lists



Following our highly specialized strategy in the markets in which we operate, we have developed a complete, vertical solution implemented by highly qualified teams by market, adapting the project to the context and sector of the client.

Click on the links below and learn about the characteristics of each of the specialized solutions:


✓ Its robustness allows processing speed, scalability and security that the growth of your business will demand.

✓ Prepared for OMNICANAL, through Web Services, which allows applying best practices.

✓ Provides the necessary flexibility and smooth operations

✓ Supports all business processes

✓ Simplifies store management processes

✓ Adaptable to various types of food business or specialized retail (individual stores, chain stores, franchising)

✓ Has a scalable and resilient architecture

✓ Promotes customer loyalty

✓ Works online and offline

✓ Personalized sales coupons

✓ 100% Touch Solution

✓ Permanent Inventory

✓ Rapid training of operators,

✓ Fast operator transition and the ability to operate in isolation.

✓ Simplified article search and quick lists for direct access to articles

✓ Quick checkout

✓ Simultaneously accepts transactions in different types of currencies and payment methods

✓ Timecard control by code or card

✓ Returned products history

✓ Discount history


✓ Windows native system

✓ SQL Server ™ databases

✓ Easy and intuitive navigation

✓ Adaptable to any type of store

✓ Promotion / Campaign Planning

✓ Configurable templates associated with operations

✓ Price and Stock Change History

✓ Integration with external software

✓ Price markdown planning

✓ Multiple price lists

✓ Quick product search

✓ Suspension and resumption of sales

✓ Interface with checkout devices,

✓ Reports

✓ Paperless invoices

✓ Integration with TPA and MBWAY and SEQR mobile wallet

Integration with other products

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* desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile