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Integrated Management

Human Capital Management

POS Management

Business Intelligence


03.01.02 Maxiretail Especializado Software INFOS Retalho
Specialized Retail

Take control of your Store Management

The MAXIRETAIL store management solution is composed of a set of functionalities adjusted to the current Retail trends that allow the simplification, agility and speed of processes.


✓ Suportar todos os processos de negócio, associados ao retalho especializado;

✓ Solução desenhada por profissionais com sólida experiência no setor;

✓ Simplifica os processos de gestão de lojas;

✓ Adaptável a várias tipologias de negócio, lojas individuais, cadeias de lojas, franchising;

✓ Possui uma arquitetura escalável e resiliente;

✓ Promove a fidelização dos seus clientes


✓ Omnicanal

✓ Fluxos B2C e B2B

✓ API Loja Online (Webservices), nomeadamente com Shopify e fluxos já definidos, incluindo as transportadoras

✓ Stocks e Produtos atualizados em tempo real

✓ Tax Free

✓ Recibos Digitais

✓ Business Intelligence




• Information for the operational management of the business

• Control of customer reservations

• Advanced promotion management

• Omnichannel


• Simplified article search

• Integration with TPA and MBWAY and SEQR mobile wallet

• 100% touch solution

• Registration and tracking of article arrangements


• Inventory count

• Stock inquiries

• Merchandise conference

• Transfers between stores

What is Said About Us

Here are some testimonies from our customers, partners and other friends, who honor us very much.

“Infos has become an indispensable partner for our operation. With the technological support implemented it was...
Manuel Alves
Manuel Alves Group Manager.

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“Infos has become an indispensable partner for our operation. With the technological support implemented it was possible to obtain a greater control of the information flow, which has allowed us to focus exclusively on our business. The reliability and security of ERP Multi/Maxiretail has simplified the technology at our disposal We count on Infos Excellence and professionalism to keep supporting our growth."

Manuel Alves
Manuel Alves Group Manager.
Manuel Alves Grupo Manuel Alves Testemunho Software INFOS

Integration with other products

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* desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile